“Sabljanje z raketami” se nadaljuje, vendar ne v korist Izraela

Kot sem pričakoval včeraj, se Izrael ne bo zadovoljil s “face-saving” povračilnim ukrepom Irana za izraelsko raketiranje iranske ambasade v Siriji. Izraelske oblasti se “morajo” odzvati na enak način, da “ohranijo svojo mednarodno kredibilnost”. Na to se bo nato odzval Iran. In tako naprej. Vendar bo Izraelu bistveno prej zmanjkalo balističnih raket in raket za protizračno obrambo (Iron Dome) kot Iranu. Tega se očitno zavedajo tudi izraelske oblasti, kar je dobro obveščenega izraelskega novinarja Ronena Bergmana (New York Times) napeljalo h komentarju:

“Če bi razprave prenašali v živo na Youtube, bi imeli 4 milijone ljudi, ki bi na letališču Ben Gurion vpili in poskušali pobegniti od tod.”

Izraelska vlada se po porazu proti Hamasu in po genocidnem pobijanju palestinskega prebivalstva vedno bolj zapleta in očitno edini izhod vidi v sprovociranju regionalne vojne na Bližnjem vzhodu, v katero bi zapletla še ZDA.

Interestingly, he also confirms that Israel did NOT inform the U.S. ahead of its strike on Iran’s consulate in Damascus, and that the strike was precisely to get America involved in a war with Iran in an attempt by Israel to escalate their way out of their current predicament:

“Israel did not coordinate the assassination operation in Damascus with the United States. The IDF Operations Directorate updated them about the operation only simultaneously with the bombing of the building. The Americans were infuriated. They are very concerned and feel that Israel has put them exactly in the situation they tried to avoid. […] They do not want to get involved in a war with Iran, which the United States, after responding forcefully to an attack on American targets and calming the Ayatollahs, thought it had managed to prevent.”

Vir: Arnaud Bertrand