Nevarnost antisemitizma: Priložnost za poziv k premirju in dolgoročni rešitvi, ki jo je Habeck zamudil

Nekateri so pač vedno na na napačni strani. In nemški zeleni minister za gospodarstvo Peter Habeck je po pravilu vedno na napačni strani. Tako glede gospodarske in energetske politike kot zdaj tudi glede vojne v Gazi. V govoru, ki ga nekateri označujejo kot “voditeljski”, je v sicer koristnem, vendar enostranskem opozorilu na nevarnost močno povečanega antisemitizma vsled izraelskega pokola v Gazi zamudil priložnost, da opozori, kako preprečiti to tendenco naraščajočega antisemitizma. Opozarjanje na nevarnost močno povečanega antisemitizma je prazno politično leporečenje, če ne poskušaš niti opozoriti na to, kako omejiti ali trajno rešiti vzroke za naraščajoč antisemitizem. Ampak to je pač domet Habecka in njegovih političnih vrstnikov v Evropi.

Edina trajna rešitev za mir v Izraelu in za omejitev antisemitizma je “rešitev dveh držav”, ki pa jo klub sporazumom med Izraelom in Palestinci iz 1993 in 1995 o avtonomiji Gaze in Zahodnega brega izraelska vlada ne želi implementirati. Izrael očitno namesto tega stremi k drugi “trajni” rešitvi, to je k pregonu Palestincev iz Gaze, za kar mu je Hamasov teroristični napad dal formalni povod. Toda prav s tem in načinom, kako to počne (s krvavim masakrom) izraelska vlada radikalizira Palestince in Arabce nasploh, razpihuje požar antisemitizma in dolgoročno ogroža temelje svojega obstoja.

In problem je, da bodo posledice tega čutili tudi tisti, ki jim je malo mar za Palestince (in Arabce nasploh) in se jim pregon Palestincev iz Gaze zdi trajna rešitev palestinskega vprašanja. In to bodo čutili tukaj – doma, v Evropi.


It is a well delivered speech but he misses the main point: that if, as he says, “Israel’s security is part of Germany’s raison d’état” and if Germany is committed (as it should be given its history) to fight antisemitism, then Germany’s foremost priority should be to pressure Israel to stop the horrors it’s committing in Gaza.

Not only has recent history amply proven that wars against terrorism are unwinnable because you don’t defeat terrorism with a military response (you in fact worsen it), but it’s absolutely obvious that Israel’s actions in Gaza (and increasingly the West Bank) are radicalizing huge amounts of people around the world against Israel. Which is exactly what he refers to in his speech, those acts he speaks about wouldn’t have occurred had Israel reacted differently, thereby demonstrating the current approach doesn’t make it more secure nor does it reduce antisemitism.

The way Germany and the wider West can best help Israel here is to pressure it NOT to follow the law of retaliation, which is a dead end that always triggers dramatic unwanted consequences and was most likely exactly what Hamas was seeking. Instead they should use all their leverage to pressure Israel to finally find a sustainable political solution that works both for them and the Palestinians, which everyone around the world knows is the only way out here. War isn’t a way out, it’s a way to dramatically worsen the problems.

Many people (such as Bremmer 👇) say Habeck exhibited “leadership” with his speech. I disagree. It’s a platitude for a German politician to say that antisemitism is bad (which was the crux of his speech), they’ve been repeating it for 80 years. Leadership is about action, vision, finding a way out. And I didn’t get any of that from the speech.

Vir: Arnaud Bertrand