Nezaustavljiv kitajski tehnološki vzpon

Glejte spodnji intervju s Philippom Wongom, glavnim znanstvenikom pri tajvanskem proizvajalcu čipov TSMC in profesorjem elektrotehnike na univerzi Stanford. Wong pravi takole: na področju polprevodnikov so kitajski znanstveniki v zadnjem desetletju postali prevladujoči; Američani so še vedno boljši v generiranju novih idej; toda ko je enkrat ideja v obtoku, s Kitajsko ni več mogoče tekmovati in se je bolje umakniti s tega področja.

The only thing that I see… What the US is still little bit ahead is in coming up with the new ideas. What the Chinese always say: going from zero to 1. Namely starting from nowhere, nothing, and come up with this really new idea. And if I look at what I would call new idea that has not been discussed before, the US still is the principal place where these new ideas come from. But once these new ideas become known, then… I feel it in my everyday research with my students. Any new ideas that we come up, once they become known… that this is a good idea. The next week it will show up in China. It will show up in China, only that they do it better than you.

I can’t, cannot compete anymore. They have better resources, they have more students. They have more, more funding from the government. I cannot compete anymore. I have to get out of that field!”.