Evropska vojska? Seveda, vendar to zahteva evropsko strateško avtonomijo tudi pri tehnologijah, orožarski industriji, energiji, hrani…

Maria Zakharova, tiskovna predstavnica ruskega ministrstva za zunanje zadeve, je posula sol na rep podpredsednika italijanske vlade Antonia Tajanija, ki se je zavzel za samostojno evropsko vojsko. Opomnila ga je na preprosto dejstvo, ki se ga je treba zavedati, in sicer, katero gorivo bodo uporabljali evropska vojaška tehnika in letala. Če Evropa nima niti svojega goriva, bo težko avtonomna pri uporabi svoje vojske.

Jaz se s Tajanijem seveda povesme strinjam glede vojaške avtonomije Evrope, vendar pa so predpogoji zanjo, da Evropa pred tem doseže tudi strateško avtonomijo pri tehnologijah, orožarski industriji, energiji, hrani in seveda gospodarstvu. Brez tega ni vojaške avtonomije.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Italy Antonio Tajani: “The European Union must form its own armed forces that could play a role in maintaining peace and preventing conflicts. If we want to be the bearers of world peace, we need a European army. This is a fundamental prerequisite for an effective European foreign policy. In a world with such powerful players as the USA, China, India, Russia, and with crises stretching from the Middle East to the Indo-Pacific, Italian, German, French or Slovenian citizens can only be protected by what already exists, and that is called European Union. Therefore, defense and a common army must become a concrete fact. And this cannot be postponed.”

EU army? Maybe you should start by developing your own Covid vaccine? Or learn to humanely, in accordance with your international obligations, protect the borders of the European Union? Resolve the issue of refugees and migrants? And only then create an army.

Yes, I completely forgot. Before forming a unified army, it would be good to understand what fuel it will use for the equipment to run and the planes to fly. Otherwise, the American president mgiht later arrive in Brussels and say that he will raise fuel prices if the EU army does not attack those whom he points out.

By the way, why then should each NATO country (read – EU) pay colossal sums to the “common treasury” (and, in fact, to Washington), which, as has been previously stated, go to ensure their security?

Vir: DD