Zakaj je Elon Musk omejil branje na tviterju?

V bistvu sta dve najbolj plauzibilni razlagi. Prva je komercialni razlog: glede na to, da je tviter naročnikom začasno omogočil 10-krat večjo količino branja kot nenaročnikom, je možno, da je s to potezo lastnik tviterja Elon Musk želel spodbuditi čim več uporabnikov k temu, da postanejo naročniki (za 8 $ ali € na mesec).

Druga plauzibilna razlaga pa je tista, ki večini smrdi po teoriji zarote: nenadoma se je pojavila množica novih računov, vodenih prek algoritmov umetne inteligence, ki so masovno pobirali podatke iz tviterja. Zakaj? Z namenom detektiranja trendov v konverzacijah in kasnejše manipulacije teh trendov (spodbujanja ali zaviranja trendov). Z algoritmi umetne inteligence se seveda da lepo avtomatizirati manipulacije in cenzoriranje. Kot pravi Mike Benz: če je FBI uspelo vdreti v sistem in cenzurirati 22 tvitov, lahko umetna inteligenca to naredi z 22 milijoni tvitov. To je lahko razlog, da je Musk število branj še bolj omejil za nove, nepreverjene račune. In zato se je ChatGPT pritožil, da nima dostopa do tviterja in zato ne more izvršiti ukaza.


Katera razlaga se vam zdi bolj verjetna?

Če vam je bližje druga razlaga, preberite daljše pojasnilo na Zerohedge.

Benz begins his trek with the statement: “AI censorship is where all of the magic happens.”

He points out, the Twitter Files showed how The FBI might come in and get 22 tweets censored, but AI is how IEP (and other 3rd-party censorship groups) were able to get 22 million tweets censored.”

Before 2016, Benz explains, you could not ‘control’ the internet; but since then, there has been an “AI Censorship Deathstar” under construction, which “relies on massive scraping of Twitter data to track trending narratives, to systemically surveil, to build intelligence dossiers, and to track and turn down – all at one – communities online.”

Twitter is the best social network of all for this massive data scraping (and training) since all consumers of information are also creators.

This explicitly makes scraping data there far more important for early narrative detection and countering ‘wrongthink’ via fact-checking, Google Ad suppression, political pressure (possibly enforcing hate speech laws like Michigan just passed), or mainstream media propaganda focus.

Also, on the other side, while Musk appears to have got the ‘Trust & Safety’ censors/bannner/throttlers out of the loop, this massive data scrape allows any establishment-favored narratives to be amplified.

“You are going to see the censorship industry howl over this,” Benz concludes, and “whether Musk knows it or not, he has stepped on a rattlesnake.”

While the censorship-industry will “in a wierd way, while the boot [of Musk’s tweet-read-limit] may be cutting off some amount of openness of Twitter, it may also represent in some way, the boot of freedom.”

Vir: Zerohedge