A Debate On Ukraine with Robert Wright & Anders Åslund

Izvrstna debata med Robertom Wrightom in švedskim ekonomistom Andersom Aslundom glede vojne v Ukrajini, ki se je začela na osnovi Wrightove kolumne v Washington Postu. Priporočam.

0:51 What Anders didn’t like about Bob’s Washington Post op-ed on Russia-Ukraine
11:19 Was Putin always bent on invading Russia’s neighbors?
19:13 Bob and Anders debate NATO expansion
29:37 Should the West encourage regime change in Russia?
36:55 Are the US and NATO “fighting Russia to the last Ukrainian”?
46:09 The causes and consequences of Ukraine’s 2014 revolution
56:04 Is Putin committing genocide?
1:01:21 Possible endgames of the Ukraine war – and of Putin’s Russia
1:12:21 Could better US policy have averted the Ukraine war?

En odgovor

  1. Debata je poden, absolutno overrated.

    Razen seveda, če hočete spoznati “the level of western delusion”. Ko to vidiš, Aslund-ovo pozicijo namreč, potem spoznaš, da ni čudno, da smo tam kjer smo. Ker je to točno politika zahodnega establishement-a. In da miru, brez neke kataklizme (upajmo, da ne bo prehuda), ki bo vodila do streznjenja na Zahodu, še dolgo ne bo.

    Aslund je znani kontributor ekstremno desnih, imperialističnih in popolnoma rusofobnih stališč v Project Syndicate. Odsotnost kakršnegakoli poskusa vsaj razumeti nasprotno pozicijo, njihove legitimne interese in argumente ter obseg (zgodovinskega in tekočega) potvarjanja, ki se ga uporablja v podporo njegovih ekstremnih stališč, je presenetljiv tudi za tiste, ki smo vsega hudega vajeni. Še bolj nevarno je, da on in verjetno tudi množica ecision-maker-jev v to res verjamejo.

    S tem je pot v pekel odprta.

    Je tudi lepa ilustracija popolnoma histeričnega sovraštva Zahod-a do Putin-a. Se je Zahod sploh sposoben vprašati zakaj več kot tričetrt (po neodvisnih anketah) populacije Ruskega federacije po več kot dveh desetletjih še vedno podpira svojega predsednika? Zakaj 70 % podpira vojaško intervencijo v Ukrajini? (večina preostalih pa je ne podpira ker je premalo radikalna!). Glej:

    “The approval ratings given by the Levada Centre (considered by the Russian authorities as a “foreign agent”) show that public opinion has tightened around Vladimir Putin and the Russian government. In January 2022, Vladimir Putin’s approval rating was 69% and the government’s was 53%. Today, Putin’s approval rating has been stable at around 83% since March, and the government’s is at 71%. In January, 29% did not approve of Vladimir Putin’s decisions, in July it was only 15%.

    According to the Levada Centre, even the Russian operation in Ukraine enjoys a majority of favorable opinions. In March, 81% of Russians were in favor of the operation; this figure dropped to 74%, probably due to the impact of sanctions at the end of March, and then it went back up. In July 2022, the operation had 76% popular support.”

    Zakaj velika večina (Levada polling) Rusov meni, da je Stalin največji ruski voditelj vseh časov (pred Petrom Velikim, Katarino Veliko, Aleksandom I, Svjatoslavom,…). Glej:

    “The prediction of Joseph Stalin that a lot of garbage will be brought to his grave, but then the wind of history will dispel it, is coming true today before our eyes. Fully 70% of Russians positively assess Stalin’s role in history, a Levada Center poll showed. This is a record for all years of relevant research. Almost half of the respondents are ready to understand the repressions of the Stalin era, without blaming Stalin for them.”

    Če tega ne razumete, potem tudi ne razumete, zakaj je ves govor o menda bližnji revoluciji v Rusiji deplasiran. Da ne gre za analizo, ampak za wishful thinking. Glej:

    “Interestingly, in 2004, the oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky, now a self-appointed “opposition leader,” wrote: “Putin is probably neither a liberal nor a democrat, but he is still more liberal and democratic than 70 percent of our country’s population.”

    The fact that Western analysts consistently fail to grasp this is explained in what a Russian diplomat once told me: “Western reporters and academics in Moscow only talk to Russians who speak English. Russians who speak fluent English are maybe 50 percent liberal. Russians who don’t speak English are maybe five percent liberal. The fact is the second group is 20 times bigger than the first group.”

    Koga bi Zahod imel najraje za ruskega predsednika? Novega Jelcin-a ali novega Gorbačov-a seveda. Le zakaj neki?

    Če že hočete kvalitetno debato na to temo, od ljudi, ki so res kompetentni, potem predlagam:

    Všeč mi je

  2. Všeč mi je