Vladimir Gligorov (1945–2022)

Pred nekaj dnevi je umrl Vladimir Gligorov, eden zadnjih velikih, morda celo zadnji iz generacije velikih ekonomistov s področja nekdanje Jugoslavije. Po razpadu nekdanje Jugoslavije je deloval na Dunaju, na inštitutu WIIW, kjer sem ga tudi spoznal. Vladimir je bil res intelektualec med ekonomisti z veliko začetnico, diskusije z njim so bile užitek. Spomnim se enega prvih srečanj na eni izmed konferenc, pred letom 2000. Bil sem še čisto svež raziskovalec, takoj po doktoratu. Med zajtrkom sva diskutirala o globalni ekonomiji, omenil sem rivalstvo med Japonsko in ZDA, Vladimir pa je samo odmahnil z roko in rekel, da je Japonska passe in naj gledamo Kitajsko, ki bo postala nova globalna velesila. Seveda je imel prav.

Vladimir, bilo mi je v čast, da sem te poznal in lahko diskutiral s teboj.

Spodaj je “In memoriam”, ki so ga napisali njegovi sodelavci na WIIW. Resnično lepo so se poslovili od Vladimirja, ki je bil njihov mentor skozi desetletja.

Our wiiw Senior Research Associate, dear colleague, mentor and friend, Vladimir Gligorov, passed away on Thursday 27 October 2022. His 77th birthday was just about a month ago. Not that he attached any importance to such events. He had no time for or interest in such secular issues as birthdays, holidays, or weekends. He was a true scientist. He worked every day, reading and writing on economics, politics, philosophy, history, or literature. Being a cinephile and loving his family was the closest he came to the everyday life of an average person. In a typical post-Yugoslav intellectual tradition, he liked to compare key scenes of movies with crucial issues in the sciences mentioned above. His oeuvre as a researcher is huge and the sheer number of book chapters, working papers, articles, comments, and blog contributions, let alone interviews in newspapers and online-portals in various fields, is probably uncountable. He also translated many books. It is no exaggeration to claim that it would be easier to enumerate what he did not do than the opposite.

To read the obituary, please follow this link.

Mario Holzner, Robert Stehrer and all wiiw staff