Potrebna revolucija v ameriški zunanji politiki: Evropski NATO, Palestinska država, sodelovanje namesto militantnosti

Današnji Foreign Affairs (nekakšen outlet za objavo razmišljanj uradnega Washingtona) prinaša tri zanimive članke. Prvi je članek Raje Khalide “The Case for Palestine“, ki je pripravila skico ureditve bodoče Palestinske države in ta skica je dokaj revolucionarna:

At first, the state’s resident citizens should be those five million Palestinians now carrying PA identity cards and passports, but the state should eventually grant nationality without residency rights to Palestinian refugees worldwide, as an affirmation of identity. Palestinians could begin to be counted as individual citizens of a state that ties them to their homeland, not as a collective of diaspora communities and factions.

A government set up as part of the new state of Palestine might seem to offer few material benefits over today’s broken configuration of Palestinian politics. It is unlikely to be recognized by the United States or Israel. It would remain under Israeli occupation and would confer no diplomatic benefits over the current system. But a new government would offer Palestinians a chance to build new, better structures and restore trust in their leadership and the respect of the world. The state would be inclusive of all Palestinian factions and would serve as a forum where they can find commonalities and resolve differences. It is time for the state of Palestine to become more than ink on paper. Starting a government under its name is the next step in the long march of national liberation.

Drugi zanimiv prispevek “A Revolution in American Foreign Policy” je dal “revolucionarni” senator iz Vermonta Bernie Sanders , ki agitira za to, da je pohlep, militarizem in hinavščino v ameriški zunanji politiki treba zamenjati s solidarnostjo, diplomacijo in človekovimi pravicami.

Tretji pa je članek Maxa Bergmanna “A More European NATO” o tem, da za večjo evropsko varnost ne bo dovolj zgolj povečanje izdatkov evropskih držav za obrambo v okviru Nata pod ameriško kontrolo, pač pa je potrebna večja obrambna osamosvojitev Evrope. Povejte slednje evropskim politikom.