Se ZDA še lahko spametujejo in sprijaznijo z zatonom svoje moči?

Kaj menite, kdo je avtor spodnje kratke, vendar precizne analize geopolitičnega prestrukturiranja sveta?

If memory serves me right, back in 1992, the share of the G7 countries in the world economy amounted to 47%, whereas in 2022, it was down to, I think, a little over 30%.

The BRICS countries accounted for only 16% in 1992, but now their share is greater than that of the G7.

It has nothing to do with the events in Ukraine; this is due to the trends of global development and world economy… and this is inevitable.

This will keep happening. It is like the rise of the sun; you cannot prevent the sun from rising; you have to adapt to it.

How do the United States adapt?

With the help of force, sanctions, pressure, bombings, and use of armed forces.

This is about self-conceit.

Your political establishment does not understand that the world is changing under objective circumstances, and in order to preserve your level, even if someone aspires, pardon me, to the level of dominance, you have to make the right decisions in a competent and timely manner.

Such brutal actions, including with regard to Russia and, say, other countries, are counterproductive.

This is an obvious fact; it has already become evident.

You just asked me if another leader comes and changes something; it is not about the leader; it is not about the personality of a particular person… it is about the elite’s mindset.

If the idea of domination at any cost, based also on forceful actions, dominates the American society, nothing will change; it will only get worse.

But if, in the end, one comes to the awareness that the world has been changing due to objective circumstances and that one should be able to adapt to them in time, using the advantages that the US still has today, then perhaps something may change.

Vir: Tucker Carlson

En odgovor

  1. Pameten , ta Putin; a napad na Ukrajino je bil vseeno napaka/neumen…da o Nemcovu,
    Politkovski (dosti pred Majdanom!), Navalnemu…ne govorimo.

    Všeč mi je