Zahodna hipokrizija: Za sedanjo katastrofo v Libiji sta kriva intervencija ZDA in Nata, zahodni mediji pa so to podpirali

V zvezi s sedanjo katastrofo ob poplavah v Libiji je indikativna tipična hipokrizija zahodnih politikov in glavnih medijev. Na eni strani poročajo o žrtvah ob katastrofalnih poplavah in slabo protipolavno zaščito povezujejo s slabim upravljanjem države oziroma kaosu po letu 2011. Prav tako govorijo o tem, da je bila Libija do 2010 najbolj razvita afriška država in z najvišjim Human Development indeksom, zdaj pa gre za povsem porušeno državo in brezpravno, kjer cvetijo javni trgi s sužnji. Na drugi strani pa absolutno pozabijo na to, da je Libijo v to katastrofalno stanje kaosa, brezpravja in brezvladja pahnila intervencija Nata leta 2011, za katero so Američani sfabricirali podatke o domnevnih neredih kot povod za intervencijo. Prav tako pa pozabijo, da so zahodni mediji absolutno javno podpirali to intervencijo Nata, ki je privedla do sedanjega stanja.

Le kako se lahko dotični politiki in novinarji zjutraj v ogledalu pogledajo v oči?

Spodaj je kratka poljudna kronologija.



Here’s a timeline of what really happened.

In March of 2011, US intelligence claimed there was a popular uprising in Libya and asked the UN to okay a temporary no-fly zone over Libya to protect the citizens.

China, India, Brazil, Germany and Russia, declined to vote for this. China called for peaceful dialogue instead. The Russians warned that the US would unilaterally turn this into one of their regime-change operations.

The US denied they would do such a thing, and said this was only about protecting civilians.

But the Russians turned out to be precisely right—a NATO bombardment was launched that lasted eight months until Gaddafi was killed in late October. As soon as he was dead, NATO ceased fighting: Oct 31.

A US academic study later said that NATO’s intervention likely extended the length of the war by up to six months—and amplified to an astonishing degree the damage to the country, which was left in ruins.

I think the most interesting comments at the time came from Italy’s leader Silvio Berlusconi. He felt Italy had no choice but to support the NATO attack, but added that he had to tell the truth. “This wasn’t a popular uprising,” he said. “Gaddafi was loved by his people.”

Three observations:

First, it is undeniable that the chaos created by NATO’s 7,000 bombing raids wrecked Libya and was the direct cause of that community being so badly devastated by the storm that hit it recently.

Second, it is horrific (but not surprising) that the Guardian, CNN, and so many other media are deliberately hiding this truth from their audiences.

And third, we need to notice who actually got it right in 2011: China, India, the Russians, and Brazil.


The nascent BRICs, before they were the BRICs.

This should leave no one in any doubt that loss of US hegemony will only be a good thing for the world.

There’s something truly horrifying about the world’s richest countries destroying an African nation and then. More than a decade later, the world’s media hiding the truth in such tragic circumstances.

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