Ameriška proxy vojna s Kitajsko na Tajvanu ne bi bila primerljiva s proxy vojno v Ukrajino

Dober komentar, zakaj ameriška proxy vojna s Kitajsko na Talvanu nikakor ne bi bila primerljiva s sedanjo ameriško proxy vojno z Rusijo v Ukrajini. Na Tajvanu ni posebne nekitajske manjšine, ki bi se upirala, Tajvan ne meji na sosednje države, ki bi lahko čez mejo dobavljale orožje in ZDA nimajo načina, da bi v primeru vojne na Tajvan dostavljale zadovoljive količine orožja.

Too many people are convinced that the US can almost in a light switch moment, move to support Taiwan in a conflict with China. They make comparisons between Taiwan and Ukraine which don’t exist.

Taiwan is an island and isn’t landlocked to potential allies, it effectively depends on external sources for its energy needs, it doesn’t have ethnic Chinese in a civil war with the Taiwanese to provoke a future conflict. Taiwan doesn’t have the same political will as Ukraine does to engage in a conflict with China. Who exactly is going to provide ammunition, military hardware etc to Taiwan and how exactly are they going to get it to them?

Conducting a proxy war with China wrt Taiwan bears no resemblance to conducting a proxy war with Russia wrt Ukraine. Never mind the fact that the West has all but exhausted its arms capabilities supporting Ukraine and is likely to take years to replenish even if the Ukraine war stopped tomorrow.

Vir: The Sirius Report, Twitter (X)