Nemška in francoska “skrajna desnica”: Razlika med AfD in RN

Politična pokrajina (tudi) v Evropi se hitro spreminja. “Skrajna” desnica je na pohodu (v empirični analizi, ki jo delava s kolegom, se pokaže, da sta glavna dejavnika njenega porasta povečana neenakost (manj socialne države) in povečan delež tujerodnega prebivalstva, kar povzroča frustracije naraščajočemu deležu domačega prebivalstva). Vprašanje pa je, ali se – za razliko od socialistov – “skrajna” desnica lahko poenoti na evropski ravni (praktično: se eni rasisti lahko odpovejo svoji apriorni superiornosti nad drugimi rasisti?).

Spodnji intervju z Maximillianom Krahom iz nemške AfD ter dober Bertrandov komentar o fundamentalnih razlikah med nemško AfD in francosko RN odpirata pomembne perspektive.

Absolutely fascinating to read how profoundly different the AfD is to France’s Rassemblement National (RN).

The two key differences that I can see are:

  1. The AfD, or at least @KrahMax, openly calls for a multipolar world order. RN, on the other hand, is for continued Western hegemony.

  2. The AfD recognizes that attempting to convert other cultures to “Western values” should be abandoned. From the interview: “We must abandon the idea that the whole world must follow the same political and legal culture. Asia has its traditions, and they should govern themselves accordingly. The same goes for the Islamic world. Let Muslims follow their own order without trying to impose Western values on them. So, the first step is to accept that major regions in the world should govern themselves by their own ideas of political and legal order.” The RN on the other hand is course Western Supremacy par excellence, establishing a hierarchical order between cultures, with very little respect for other cultures, and even open hatred.

In fact Krah openly recognizes these differences in the interview: “Unfortunately, the European right is completely divided. You have a part of the European right, which in my view is the majority, that has a Cold War thinking, which has more to do with the 1980s than with 2024. So for them, international politics is not about the shift of power from the Atlantic to the Global South, etc. They still believe in the old rhetoric of war between the free world against the world of darkness. They are deep state agents when it comes to foreign policy, even more sometimes than the Socialists. We have a move to the right when it comes to questions of migration, etc, etc. But the front lines are completely different when it comes to foreign and global policy. And there we don’t have a shift to the right. Unfortunately.”

Funnily enough, listening to his positions Krah in a French context is much closer to a Mélenchon… Although undoubtedly their views on immigration would differ widely.

Anyhow this is why the broad brush “extreme right” makes very little sense. There are some absolutely fundamental and immense differences between these different parties’ positions.

Vir: Arnaud Bertrand
